Virtual: Ultimate Workfile – What, When, Why
Member Price: $175.00
Early Registration Deadline is April 5, 2024: $125.00
Non-Member Price: $225.00
Early Registration Deadline is April 5, 2024: $175.00
This course will delve into the USPAP Record Keeping rule and breakdown each of the components that should be contained in an appraiser’s workfile. The instructor will also review USPAP’s FAQ while helping the student to analyze other situations where these guidelines would apply. The student will learn how to create a checklist to ensure that each workfile is correctly assembled. They will develop the ability to identify what to retain, when it needs to be retained and why each component is needed in the workfile. They will gain a deeper comprehension of how to prevent common record keeping mistakes. Students will examine real world examples of proper and improper workfiles.
Instructor: Joshua H. Walitt, SRA, AI-RRS, MNAA, CEI
About the Instructor: Joshua Walitt is the principal consultant for Walitt Solutions. He provides short- and long-term consulting services related to compliance, valuation, education, review, and investigations. Clients include lending institutions, appraisers, appraisal management companies, attorneys, education providers and federal and state regulators.
With over 20 years of experience, Walitt’s skillset includes appraisal, banking, regulations, policy, Instruction, licensing, and enforcement. His core goal is to foster a clients’ efficiency, accuracy, compliance and growth through appropriate methodology and technology, sound reasoning, communication skills and proper oversight.
Walitt has an extensive background in education, mentoring, and learning platforms. Routinely, he designs and customizes seminars, webinars, and continuing-education courses for education providers, state associations, and other clients. His services include providing mentoring and coaching to appraiser teams related to appraisal methods, appraisal standards, analysis techniques, and workflow. His materials are designed for various delivery methods and media, including live, online, and recorded.
He writes for industry publications and speaks at events such as the Appraisal Institute’s Annual Conference, Appraisal Summit and Expo, Valuation Expo, Appraiser’s Conference and Trade Show, Association of Appraiser Regulatory Officials, and other client and industry conferences.
He is considered a subject matter expert on collateral valuation methods and compliance with standards and regulations. Walitt has been engaged for special projects related to property data collection (PDR and PDC), forms design, appraisal and review forms design, appraiser software, and UAD support.